गुरुवार, 10 मई 2012


There are different types of houses. Wooden houses, brick houses, snow houses (igloo), concrete houses, thatched houses, sky scrapers, villas, bungalows, cottages, farm house, duplex houses and so on...

Today we are going to meet inhabitants who live in a house made of glass floor and glass walls. 

Hey kids...

I am talking about your favourite aquarium.

Here it is ...... Have a look ....

 Three fishes are playing hide and seek.

Hey look there is a black fish among them.

Come I will introduce her ....

She is Black Molly. She lives in rivers. Her little ones are also black and lively. As soon as they are born they set off to look for food. 

Male black mollies will be mildly aggressive. They will chase the other fishes. 

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